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Coagulation Mixing Studies
Immediate mix
PT ref. range (s)
PT normal control (s)
PT patient value (s)
PT 1:1 mix (immediate)
PT 4:1 mix (immediate)
% correction
PT 4:1 immediate
PTT clotting times
Immediate mix
PTT ref. range (s)
PTT normal control (s)
PTT patient value (s)
PTT 1:1 mix
PTT 4:1 mix
1 hour incubation
1hr PTT ref. range (s)
PTT 1hr control (s)
PTT patient value (s)
PTT 1:1 mix (1 hour)
PTT 4:1 mix (1 hour)
% correction
PTT 4:1 immediate
PTT 4:1 incubated
Normal PT and PTTs
Prolonged PT and PTT
Prolonged PTT only
Prolonged PT only
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